Political Science - News & Events
Events Calendar
Political Science Newsletter
Past-Editions Archive
The Department of Political Science published an annual newsletter from 2000 until 2015. The archive of newsletters can be found on this page.
Spring 2000
- Students Travel and Learn at the UCDC Program
- Benjamin J. Cohen Explores the Geography of Money
- Bruce Bimber Wins 1998-1999 Distinguished Teaching Award
- Kathleen Bruhn Brings Research on Mexican Politics to the Classroom
- Marilyn Lee Endows Larry Adams Internship Award
Spring 2001
- Students Learn and Demonstrate Research Skills in Honors Program
- Editorship Recognizes Dana Villa’s Research
- John Woolley Explores the American Presidency
- Laurie Freeman Sheds Light on Japanese Media
- Two Political Science Alumns Return to Campus – Cynthia Carpenter and Kirk Boyd
Spring 2002
- Students Experience the Real World of Congress in SimCong
- Political Forgiveness: A Timely Topic Explored in Professor Digeser’s New Book
- Students Gain Experience and Provide Service in Local Government Internships
- Professor Emeritus Fukui Assumes Presidency of Hiroshima Peace Institute
Spring 2003
- Mastering Methodology Challenges and Rewards Students
- The “Protest Generation” Remains Politically Active
- Faculty Research Profiles:
Jim Adams – Shifting Political Party Ideologies;
Aaron Belkin – Gays in the U.S. Military: A Question of Public Policy;
Kathleen Bruhn – Political Parties and Social Movements in Mexico and Brazil;
Benjamin Jerry Cohen – The Future of Money;
Rose McDermott – Effects of Illness on Foreign Policy Decision-Making;
Christopher Parker – Veterans, Citizenship, and Voting Rights;
and Dan Villa – New Explorations of the Meaning of CitizenshipSpring 2004
- Transitioning to the Real World – Michael Hall, Tiffany Willoughby-Herard, Thomas Lum, Laura Dodge, Jeffrey Chwieroth, Gigi Gokcek, Tom Knecht, Diane Johnson, Bonnie Field, and Chris Cook
- Fast Facts about the Department, 2004
- New Emeriti: Two Valued Professors Retire – Alan Liu and Michael Gordon
- The Politics of Testing
- Marguerite Bouraad-Nash Wins Alumni Teaching Award
- In Memoriam: Gorden E. Baker (1923-2004)
Spring 2005
- Outside Speakers Enrich Intellectual Life of the Department: Regents’ Lecturer, Dr. Carlos Mateo Balmelli, Provides Insight into Latin American Democracies; Norwegian Ambassador, His Excellency Knut Vollebaek, Discusses World Challenges; and International Relations Specialist, Kenneth Waltz
- Post-Election Roundtable: Analysis and Expectations
Spring 2006
- What Can You Do With a Political Science Degree?
Kevin McClatchy ’86: CEO and Managing General Partner, Pittsburgh
Brenda Zomalt (Doby) Flewellyn ’74: Banker to the Entertainment
Gloria Castillo ’80: Marketing Executive Heads Chicago United
Mark Macarro ’87: Tribal Chairman, Pechanga Band, Luiseño Indians
Andrea Margolis ’88: Public Health Advocate for Children
Brett Bullington ’76: Internet Entrepreneur
Michael Sjerven ’91: Restauranteur- Legislator Hannah-Beth Jackson Brings Real-World Experience to Classroom
- Bimber’s Research Analyzes Effects of Technology on Society
Spring 2007
- Political Science and the Profession of Law
Ronald H. Clark, Ph.D. ’70: The professor who became a lawyer
David Gray Carlson ’74: The lawyer who became a professor
Kathryn Fritz ’81: Intellectual property litigator and managing partner
Douglas R. Irminger ’77: Public defender
Sara Nelson Bloom ’80: A legal career in the financial world
Gayle Binion return to teaching and research
Judge Lodge reflects on political science and the law- Political Communication: A New Focus for the Department
CNN’s Jeff Greenfield Shares Keen Political Analysis
Cory Azumbrado Charles, MA ’88: Senior Director, CNN International- Former Japanese Diplomat, the Honorable Kazuhiko Togo, is New Policymaker in Residence
Spring 2008
- Alumnus Establishes Endowed Chair in International Security Studies
- Political Science and Politics
Yier Shi ’97: From Republican Campaign Strategist to Public Relations
Jennifer Crider ’95: Communication Director for the Democratic
Congressional Campaign- T-shirts and Globalization: A Campus-Community Forum
- New Faculty Books:
Urban Protest in Mexico and Brazil (Kathleen Bruhn),
International Political Economy: An Intellectual History (Benjamin Jerry
Presidential Leadership, Illness, and Decision-Making (Rose
McDermott)- Milestones: Al Wyner to Retire in June; Joseph Lodge, 1932-2008: Association with UCSB Spanned Forty Years; Larry Adams, 1936-2007: Inspired the Adams Scholarship in Public Policy
Spring 2009
- Politics of Identity: A Research Focus with Diverse Dimensions
The Gender and Multicultural Leadership Project (Pei-te Lien)
The Politics of South Asia and Identity (Amit Ahuja)- Careers in Politics - Coleen Yamamura Clark ’06: Implementing Education Policy at Ground Level
- Lorraine McDonnell Reflects on her Presidential Year (American Educational Research Association)
- Benjamin Cohen Selected as Commencement Speaker
- Emeriti Notes: Liu Pursues New Career as an Artist; Stanley V. Anderson, 1928-2009
Spring 2010
- The First Honors Seminar
- Careers in Political Science: Steve Boilard ’84, Ph.D. ’92: Analyst for California’s higher education issues; Kristen Zimmer Deshler ’87: UCSB’s interface with government and the community
- The Politics of Public Policy and Environmental Politics: Cross Disciplinary Research on Current Problems
- Emeriti Notes: Gayle Binion is Newest Emeritus Faculty Member; Updates: Roger Davidson, Michael Gordon, Tom Schrock
Spring 2011
- Public Presentations: New Challenges for Honors Students
- Careers in Political Science: Administration
Barbara Morris: A Career in Academic Administration
Brian Mayhew: A Career in Finance- Dissertation Research Takes Students to Distant Lands
Stuart Gray: Comparing Ancient Greek and Indian Political Thought
Karen Pitakdumrongkit: A Multinational Case Study of the Negotiation
Process- Faculty Books: Benjamin Jerry Cohen – The Future of Global Currency: The Euro versus the Dollar
Spring 2012
- Senior Combines Honors Thesis with Rural Development Project
- Careers in Political Science - Gordon Murchie '56: From Foreign Service Officer to Wine Industry Executive
- Bruce Bimber's New Book: Collective Action in Organizations
- Merkl Chronicles Changes in Small Town and Village Scene in Germany
- International Relations Scholar Joins Political Science Faculty: Neil Narang
- Emeriti Notes: Roger Davidson, Haru Fukui, Alan Liu, and Al Wyner
- Stuart Gray Receives Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for 2011-12
- In Memoriam: Anton Vonk, MA '05
Spring 2014
- The Future of the Department: Focus on the Politics of Identity and Environmental Politics
- Undergraduate Advising
- Class of 2013 Alumni Participating in Prestigious Fellowships: Danielle Pietro (Coro Fellowship) and Ross Zelen (California Capital Fellowship)
- Department Celebrations
Faculty Accomplishments: Bruce Bimber, Benjamin Jerry Cohen,
Heather Stoll, M. Stephen Weatherford
Alumni Accomplishments: Jeffrey Chwieroth (Ph.D., 2003),
Manoutchehr M. Eskandari-Qajar (Ph.D., 1984); and Noelle Norton
(Ph.D., 1994)- Faculty Research Highlights: Garrett Glasgow, Neil Narang, Bruce Bimber
- 2012-2013 Department Award Winners
Spring 2015
- The Larry Adams Scholarship: Celebrating 15 Years of Vision, Ideas, and Practicality
- Steve Wiener’s Retirement
- Melissa Immel’s (BA 2015) Internship with First Lady Michelle Obama
- In Memoriam: Dean E. Mann (1927-2014) and Alan J. Wyner (1941-2014)
- UCSB MUN Team wins Outstanding Delegation for second year in a row
- New Faculty: Bridget Coggins
- Alumni Updates: Tom Garrison (M.A. 1980), Allison Anderson Heiduk (B.A. 1990), Lindsey Harrison Lupo (B.A. 1993), Sameer Pandey (B.A. 2014), William Statler (B.A. 1973)
- Faculty Accomplishments: Bruce Bimber, Benjamin Jerry Cohen, M. Kent Jennings, Lorraine McDonnell, and Andrew Norris