Office Hours:
International Relations & Intervention, Civil Wars, Climate Change & Conflict, Identity Politics
Ph.D., Yale University, 2019
Ph.D., Yale University, 2019
William Nomikos joined UCSB in July 2023, after four years as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis. He received his Ph.D. in 2019 from Yale University in Political Science.
He researches how identity and domestic politics shape international intervention using a mix of computational, experimental, econometric, and field methods. His first book, Local Peace, International Builders: How the UN Builds Peace from the Bottom Up (forthcoming with Cambridge University Press) examines the conditions under which international actors successfully bring order, peace, and stability to fragile settings. He is currently working on a second book, Patrolling the Commons: Peacekeeping and Conflict in a Climate Changed-World, which seeks to explain what peacekeepers can do to mitigate climate change-induced social conflict in weakly institutionalized settings.
Grossman, Allison, William G. Nomikos, and Niloufer Siddiqui. 2023.“How Do Religious Appeals Shape Intergroup Tolerance and Radicalization? Evidence from Burkina Faso.” Journal of Experimental Political Science 10 (1): pp. 124-136.
Nomikos, William G. and Danielle N. Villa. 2022.“Unintended Consequences: Reconsidering the Effects of UN Peacekeeping on State-sponsored Violence.” International Peacekeeping 29 (4): pp. 551-623. Part of Forum on the United Nations at 75.
Nomikos, William G. 2022. “Peacekeeping and the Enforcement of Intergroup Cooperation: Evidence from Mali.” Journal of Politics 84(1): 194-208 . Also published as Empirical Studies on Conflict Working Paper 20.
Nomikos, William G. 2021. “Why Share? An Analysis of the Causes of Power-Sharing after Conflict." Journal of Peace Research 58(2): 248-262.
Hunnicutt, Patrick and William G. Nomikos. 2020. Nationality, Gender, and Deployments: Introducing the RADPKO Dataset. International Peacekeeping 27(4): 645-672.
Nomikos, William G. and Nicholas Sambanis. 2019. “ What is the True Mechanism Underlying Audience Costs? Incompetence, Belligerence, and Inconsistency.” Journal of Peace Research 56 (4): 575-588.
Marinov, Nikolay, William G. Nomikos, and Josh Robbins. 2015. “Does Electoral Proximity Affect Security Policy?" The Journal of Politics 77(3): 762-773.
Nomikos, William G. 2013/4. “Reevaluating Foreign-Imposed Regime Change.” International Security 38(3): 184-195.