Shyam Sriram



American Politics
Asian American Politics
Immigration and Refugee Resettlement


Ph.D. in Political Scicence, University of California, Santa Barbara- 2018
M.A. in Political Science, Georgia State University - 2006
B.A. in Political Science, Purdue University - 2002

Dissertation Title: "A Question of Priorities: State-Level Resettlement Policy and the Political Integration of Bhutanese Refugees"

Faculty Adviser: Eric Smith


Sriram, Shyam K. and stonegarden grindlife. 2016. "The Politics of Deracialization: South Asian American Candidates, Nicknames, and Campaign Strategies." South Asian Diaspora (Advance online publication).

Sriram, Shyam K. 2016. “A Tulsi by Any Other Name: Evaluating South Asian American Support for a Hindu Member of Congress.” In Distinct Identities: Minority Women in U.S. Politics, eds. Nadia E. Brown and Sarah A. Gershon. New York: Rutledge.

Jenkins, Matthew, Shyam Sriram, and Jaedong Choi. 2016. "A Comparative Analysis of Collective Action Frames in Nosamo and the Tea Party." Asian Journal of Comparative Politics (Advance online publication).

Sriram, Shyam K., Amy Atchison, Elizabeth Bennion, John Forren, Arthur Sanders, and John Theis. 2015. "Innovative Ideas in Civic Engagement Across Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges." The eJournal of Public Affairs, 4 (3): 83 - 95.

Sriram, Shyam K. 2012. “To Be a Rock and Not to Roll: Promoting Political Literacy through Music and Mixtapes.” In Teaching Politics Beyond the Book: Film, Texts and New Media in the Classroom, eds. Robert W. Glover and Daniel Tagliarina. New York: Bloomsbury Press.

Sriram, Shyam. 2011. “Peyote vs. the State: Religious Freedom on Trial” by Garrett Epps, Criminal Justice Review, 36, 365 – 366.

Sriram, Shyam. 2006. “Asian Americans Politically Distinct.” PS: Political Science and Politics, 39 (3): 407.



Teaching Assistant:

Winter 2015 - PS 185: "Government and the Economy"
Spring 2015 - PS 12: "American Government"
Fall 2015 - PS 160/ ASAM 160: "Asian American Politics"

Winter 2016 - PS 157: "The American Presidency"
Spring 2016 - ASAM 4: "Asian American Popular Culture"
Summer 2016 - PS 12: "American Government"

Fall 2016 - PS 157: "The American Presidency"
Winter 2017 - PS 153: "Interest Groups"
Spring 2017 - PS 106IL: Latinos and the Law
Summer 2017 - PS 151: "Voting and Elections"