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South Asia, Indian Politics, Public Policy, Development Studies, Environmental Politics, Local Politics and Governance
Ph.D., University of Delhi, 1994
Satyajit Singh is Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Department of Global Studies. He was previously a Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi. He has been the Founding Dean and Professor at School of Development Studies and School of Human Ecology, at Ambedkar University, Delhi; India Chair at Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan; Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex; Leverhulme Fellow for Environment and Development at the University of Sussex; and Asia Fellow at the Philippine Institute of Development Studies, Manila. He has worked in The World Bank and as Advisor, UNDP, UNICEF, The European Commission, Governments of Mongolia, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Bangladesh and India. His research interests include Governance, Public Policy & Institutional Reforms, Indian Politics, Development and Environmental issues. He is one of the founders of India Public Policy Network and the current convenor. His publications include The Local in Governance: Politics, Decentralization & Environment (OUP 2016); Taming the Waters: The Political Economy of Large Dams in India (OUP 1997); (co-ed) The Dam and the Nation: Displacement and Resettlement in the Narmada Valley (OUP, 1997); (co-ed) Decentralisation: Institutions and Politics in Rural India (OUP, 2007). He has also published in Asian Survey, Policy & Society, Intercultural Studies, and the Economic and Political Weekly among other places. He is currently working on an edited volume on politics and policy linkages of a vernacular novel Raag Darbari and another co-edited volume exploring local politics for natural resource management.
Satyajit Singh, 2016, The Local in Governance: Politics, Decentralization and Environment, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
Satyajit Singh (co-ed), 2007, Decentralization: Institutions and Politics in Rural India, Oxford University Press, Delhi (second edition 2008).
Satyajit Singh, 1997, Taming The Waters: The Political Economy of Large Dams in India, Oxford University Press, Delhi (paperback 2002).
Satyajit Singh, Jean Dreze & Meera Samson (co-ed.), 1997, The Dam and the Nation: Displacement and Resettlement in the Narmada Valley, Oxford University Press, Delhi (paperback 2000).
On-Going Work:
Satyajit Singh (ed volume), Polity as Fiction, Fiction as Polity: Raag Darbari, (expected 2020).
Satyajit Singh (co-ed volume), Politics of the Local in Natural Resource Governance, (expected 2020).
Satyajit Singh & D. Basandorj, 2009, Improving Local Service Delivery for the Millennium Development Goals: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Mongolia, UNICEF, UNDP & Government of Mongolia.
Refereed Articles:
‘Decentralisation, Autonomy and Power: State and Politics of Forest Governance’, in Vidhu Verma (ed), The State in India: Ideas, Norms & Politics, Orient Blackswan, Delhi, 2018.
‘Decentralization of Village Forest Councils in North India: Conflict Resolution, Recentralization and Politics’, Intercultural Studies, University of Ryukoku, Japan, Vol 20, 2016.
‘Decentralizing Water Services in India: The Politics of Institutional Reforms’, Asian Survey, Vol 54, No 4, University of California Press, July-August, 2014.
‘Diverse Property Rights, Institutions and Decentralisation: Forest Management by Village Councils in Uttarakhand’, Policy and Society, Vol 31, No 1, 2013, Elsiver, St Louis, USA.
‘State, Planning & Politics of Irrigation Development: A Critique of Large Dams in India’, in Rajeev Bharghav and Achin Vanaik (eds), Politics in Contemporary India, Orient Longman, Hyderabad, 2010.
‘Environment & Justice: The Public Purpose of Water’, in Rajeev Bharghav, Michael Dusche & Helmut Reifeld (eds), Justice: Social, Political, Judicial, Sage, New Delhi, 2008.
‘Decentralising Water: Reforming the Rural Water Sector in South Asia’, South Asian Journal, No 19, January-March, 2008, pp. 102-119.
‘Reforming the Centralized State: Assessing Decentralization Paradigms in the Drinking Water Sector in the Philippines’, Policy and Society, Vol 26, No 2, December 2007, pp. 109-128, Elsiver, St Louis, USA.
‘Introduction: Decentralisation - Institutions and Politics in India’ in Satyajit Singh & Pradeep Sharma (eds), 2007, Decentralization: Institutions and Politics in Rural India, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
‘Water and Local Governments: Institutional Design, Politics & Implementation’, in Satyajit Singh & Pradeep Sharma (eds), 2007, Decentralization: Institutions and Politics in Rural India, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
'Irrigation in India: Equity & Sustainability', in Michael Redclift & Graham Woodgate (eds.), 1997, The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham.
'Introduction', in Jean Dreze, Meera Samson & Satyajit Singh (eds.), 1997, The Dam and the Nation: Displacement and Resettlement in the Narmada Valley, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
'The Forest Policy in India and its Implications', Social Science Probings, Vol. 4, No. 3, Sept. 1987, New Delhi.
‘Collective Dilemmas and Collective Pursuits: Community Management of Van Panchayats (forest councils) in the UP Hills’, Wasteland News, Sept-Oct, 1999, SPWD, New Delhi.
'Evaluating Large Dams', Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXV, No. 11, March 17, 1990, Bombay.
'From the Dam to the Ghettos - a case study of the Rihand', Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XX, Nos. 39 - 40, 28th Sept. & 5th Oct. 1985, Bombay.
Village Immersion and Rural Sanitation, University of Delhi, Institute of Development Studies & Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Geneva, 2019. (Based on field work by 54 Masters students across 14 states and 58 villages across India conducted in June 2018).
Undergraduate |
PS 106PW |
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PS 130 |
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