Democratic Theory, Environmental Political Thought, History of Political Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2017
Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Office Hours Zoom Link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/89692738084?pwd=NFZybVFPWW1mbkVudnNZb2dsSHpaQT09
I situate my work in the traditions of democratic theory and environmental political thought, and largely focus on how democratic publics might engage more productively with the politics of climate change. Where others have argued that one or another approach to democratic theory (deliberative, participatory, agonistic, etc.) might be marshalled in order to respond to the challenge of climate change, my work asks how our conception of democracy itself might change so as to remain a compelling political commitment through times of environmental violence and injustice.
My current research projects include an article in preparation, which assesses the recent turn to climate disobedience and the use of the necessity defense by climate activists, and a book manuscript, which is a critique of the antidemocratic tendencies in the dominant climate discourse.
PS 1 |
Introduction to Political Philosophy |
PS 110DT |
Political Concepts: Demo Theory |
PS 110ET | Political Concepts: Environmental Theory |