Anderson Collection Now Available to Researchers

The collection of materials on the ombudsman that were gathered by our late Professor Stanley V. anderson during his long career at UCSB have found a new home in the archives of the U.S. Ombudsman Association's office in Dayton, Ohio.

These materials were once housed in the Ombuds Office at UCSB, but were transferred back to the political science department several years ago.  After Professor Anderson's death in 2009, the U.S. Ombudsman Association provided a new location for the library and has spent several months organizing and cataloguing these materials, which they have named "The Stanley V. Anderson Collection."  The catalog and other information about the collection are now available on their website:

The collection contains journal articles, bibliographies, theses, conference papers, legislative bills, and other items of interest, most published between 1957 and 1982.  There are earlier and later materials as well.  The website includes items available for downloading and instructions on how researchers can request specific materials from the collection.

The Department of Political Science at UCSB expresses its deepest appreciation to the U.S. Ombudsman Association for the itme and effort they put into organizing these papers and making them available publicly.  It is a wonderful tribute to Professor Anderson's life work.