Kathleen Bruhn

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Office Hours

Wednesdays 1-3

Office Location

Ellison 3830


Comparative Politics, Identity, Latin American Studies

Ph.D., Stanford University, 1993


Professor Bruhn’s research interests include democratization, political parties, and social mobilization.Her latest book, Politics and the Pink Tide (forthcoming with University of Notre Dame Press) examines how economic policies and political party structures affected protest and protest policing in five Latin American countries governed by the Left (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile , Ecuador and Venezuela). She has published extensively on Mexican elections, campaigns, the effects of party primaries, and the Mexican Left. She is currently working on a project about the health of democratic institutions in Mexico, and a second project on populist governments in Latin America.



“AMLO y su Partido.” Política y Gobierno..

“When Opposites Attract: Electoral Coalitions and Alliance Politics in Mexico.” Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos.

“AMLO and Women.” In Populism and Human Rights in a Turbulent Era

“Party Finance in Latin America.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics.

“Money for Nothing?: Public Financing and Party Building in Latin America.” In Challenges of Party-Building in Latin America. Edited by Steven Levitsky et. al. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017).

“Competition, Decentralization, and Candidate Selection in Mexico.” with Steven Wuhs. American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 60, No. 7 (2016): 819-836.

“Electing Extremists? Party Primaries and Legislative Candidates in Mexico.” Comparative Politics. 45 (July 2013): 398-417.

Urban Protest in Mexico and Brazil.  (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008)



PS 6

Introduction to Comparative Politics

PS 134

U.S.-Mexican Relations

PS 147

Politics of Developing Countries

PS 148

Latin American Politics


PS 231

Comparative Methods

PS 236


PS 237

Collective Action and Social Movements

PS 594

Special Topics: Immigration Policy and Identity