We are a group of scholars who prize first-rate inquiry, intellectual diversity, and professional entrepreneurialism in our research. We also care greatly about high-quality teaching in all our classes, large and small, because it is through great instruction that we invest in future generations of effective citizens and scholars.
The department is appreciative of gifts of support in all amounts. Alumni of our undergraduate honors program are invited to support the projects of current and future honors students.
Specific Giving Opportunities
Student Fellowships
Endowed Professorships
Speaker Series
American Presidency ProjectLarry Adams Scholarship in Public Policy
Department of Political Science
Giving by Mail
To make a donation by check, please make it payable to the "UCSB Foundation" and send it to:
Political Science Department #9420
Attention: Alison Brysk, Chair
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9420
- Professor Alison Brysk, Department Chair
- Brian Boyer, Director of Development, brian.boyer@ucsb.edu, 805-893-5696
We are grateful to the many alumni and friends of the department who have given generously to us in the past to support the Department of Political Science!