Graduate Student Awards

On Wednesday, June 5, the Department of Political Science gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the department’s graduate students during the 2012-2013 academic year.  Here is a look at some of the recognitions (by the numbers):

  • 5 students served in leadership roles of the Political Science Graduate Student Association
  • 11 students served on various committees (included two faculty search committees)
  • 14 students presented papers at professional conferences
  • 4 students had articles placed in scholarly journals

Department Awards were distributed in two categories:

Colin Reed Manzer – Robert G. Wesson Award
Recognizing best graduate papers during the past year

Best dissertation prospectus
Michael Albert
Joshua Dean

Best paper presented at a professional meeting
Lauren Copeland

Best seminar paper
Heather Hodges


Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award

Recognizing TAs who stand out even against the Political Science Department’s high standards
Michael Albert
Colin Kuehl

The Department recognized those students who had received other grants, fellowships, and scholarships:

Graduate Dean Advancement Fellowship
Michael Albert
Scott Englund
Amanda Zeddy

Graduate Opportunity Fellowship
Yanira Rivas-Pineda

Graduate Division Dissertation Fellowship
Lauren Copeland
Brian Lovato

Graduate Research Award for Social Science Surveys
Lisa Argyle
Scott Englund

Broom Travel Grant
Lisa Argyle
Nicole Filler

Lancaster Fellowship
Tristan Beckman
Chia-Chien Chang
Cecelia Farfan Mendez
Justin Rohrer

Lancaster Scholarship
Geoff Allen
Chih-Yung Ho
Colin Kuehl
Tian Wu