Graduate Student Award Winners for 2012

At its annual Graduate Awards Reception, the following graduate students were recognized by the Political Science Department.

Three students were awarded the Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award:

     Joshua Dean
     Brian Lovato
     Alisa Rod

Colin Reed Manzer-Robert G.Wesson Awards for best papers were given in the following categories:

Best Dissertation Prospectus--to Tabitha Benney for
"Making Environmental Markets Work"  The International Political Economy of Carbon Markets in Emerging Market Economies"

Best Paper Presented at a Professional Meeting--to Kathleen Cole for
"Social Construction, Social Cognition, and Unconscious Maintenance of Social Hierarchies"

Best Seminar Paper--to Cecilia Farfan-Mendez for
"Don't Be Surprised: A Strategic Account of SB 1070"

Best Seminar Paper --to Justin Rohrer for
"Resisting the President" Historical Institutionalism and the Limits of Presidential Foreign Policy"