2012 Edition of "Political Science at UCSB" is now available

We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2012 edition of our annual Newsletter, Political Science at UCSB.  It has been posted on our website in PDF format* at

(*Requires free Acrobat Reader, available online at

 Topics in this issue include:

Senior Thesis Combines Research with Service Project
A talented and compassionate Honors student turns her senior thesis into an opportunity to help the residents of a remote Armenian village.

Careers in Political Science
An alum with a distinguished career in the U. S. Foreign Service finds a satisfying and enriching post-retirement career in the wine industry.  He shares his story and offers valuable advice for those seeking careers in international relations.


Meet Our Newest Faculty Member
Neil Narang will be joining the department in 2012 as Assistant Professor of Political Science.  A specialist in international relations, he was selected from a pool of more than 200 well-qualified applicants.


Effects of New Digital Media on Political Organizations
Bruce Bimber discusses his latest co-authored book on the effects of new digital media on established political organizations.  The authors' findings may surprise you.

Changes in Village and Small Town Life in Rural Germany
Emeritus Professor Peter Merkl celebrates his 80th birthday with the publication of a new book.  He discusses the effect that modernization efforts in Germany during the 1970s and 1980s had on small villages and towns in Bavaria.

Political Science Grad Student Receives Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award
Stuart Gray joins the ranks of political science TAs who have received this award four times in the last eight years.

From the Chair
Professor John T. Woolley brings you up to date on our latest achievements in his final letter as department Chair. 


We welcome comments and suggestions.  Please send them to publications@polsci.ucsb.edu.