Dean Chen Publishes Book on Taiwan Policy

Dean Chen has just published his first book, U.S. Taiwan Strait Policy: The Origins of Strategic Ambiguity (FirstForumPress, a Division of Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2012), based on his dissertation.  The publisher's description of the book is as follows:

"Why did the Truman administration reject a pragmatic approach to the Taiwan Strait conflict—recognizing Beijing and severing ties with Taipei—and instead choose the path of strategic ambiguity? Dean Chen sheds light on current US policy by exploring the thoughts and deliberations of President Truman and his top advisers, among them Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Livingston Merchant, and Dean Rusk. Chen also highlights the very unambiguous, and continuing, liberal aims of US Taiwan policy."

Chen received his Ph.D. in Political Science from UCSB in 2010.  He is currently a lecturer in political science at UCSB and in Fall 2012, he will join the faculty of Ramapo College in New Jersey as Assistant Professor of Political Science.