Nobel Peace Laureate and Journalist Maria Ressa Visits UCSB Political Science

On May 18, 2023 Nobel Peace Laureate (2021) and journalist, Maria Ressa, attended Professor Freeman’s class on Media and Politics in Comparative Perspective (PS173) to talk about her book, “How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future" and what it is like to be a journalist fighting for truth in the Philippines. Maria Ressa is also the co-founder and CEO of, an online news service in the Philippines that became well known for its hard-hitting reporting on former President Rodrigo Duterte's blood-soaked ‘war on drugs’ in which more than 20,000 people were killed.

Names of the individuals and political science students in the photo, from left to right: Jorge Moreno Plascencia (TA); Emily Contreras, Nobel Laureate, Maria Ressa, Professor Freeman, Lauren Garibay, Samantha Chiccarelli, and Max Jimenez